Surgery Postponed and Tumor RESPONDING!!!

Well, we had a suprising turn of events. Friday at about 3:30 pm we were given word that my surgery was going to be postponed. We had no idea that this was a possibility so it was quite a shock. My apologizies to everyone that requested time off of work to help us out this week.

The decision was made for several reasons. First, I had another MRI that morning which showed that the tumor has decreased in size by about 60-65%! Judging from the reactions of my radiation oncologists I gather this is much more than they expected. Since this treatment is working, why fix something that is not broken? Additionally, there were some complications to performing a completely effective implant. Due to scar tissue and growth of the tumor along my tonsil, I have limited ability to open my mouth so it would be difficult to accurately place some of the catheters. Also, the tumor is pressing against my carotid artery (which is a pretty important structure:) and they would like it to regress a little more so that it does not get damaged from the intense radiation. (Have no fear, we have already discussed a surgical option to combat this if it does not completely regress, but I am really hopeful we will avoid any further surgery.) So all in all, this change in plans is a good thing.

Below are several new pictures of kiddos. Don't they just make you smile?

God Bless and please keep the good thoughts and prayers coming,



Jessica G said...

Hooray! We couldn't be happier for you KQ. You've had a MILLION prayers and positive thoughts funneled your way throughout the past long months - we're so glad to know that things are going well and hope that they continue to do so. Thank you for the pictures! Cora and Quinn are adorable (you look fabulous too!)

Unknown said...

Hi Kathryn!

I just saw your update and am so excited for you and your family. That's such wonderful news!!! I also passed on the news (and blog website) to Therese and Kristen because I know they would love to know the good news.

And the pictures of Cora and Quinn are so precious! It's hard to believe they're already 2mo old!


Unknown said...

Hello KQ,

You have such a beautiful family. Miss you, thinking of you and can't wait to meet the shorties! I will be home in May. I like your new haircut. You look great. Kicking cancer's a$$ and taking on the new Mom gig with style I see. ;) I know you're super-busy, so really appreciate the updates. See you soon, XO, Therese