Overdue Update

As usual, this update is overdue. I am happy to report that I have completed the course of chemo/radiation. The last couple of weeks and week following were rough and I had to be hospitalized for infection and low blood counts (Hgb 6.7 and WBCs 1.8 for those who care) but over the last week I have started to turn a corner. The biggest problem is my fatigue and the many sores in my mouth which are going to take a long time to heal. In several weeks I will have another PET scan and we will go from there. Please pray that all of the cancer is gone and my treatment will end! I can't wait to get back to normal activities. I want to thank everyone who has been so generous with their time driving me to treatments and helping watch the babies - THANK YOU!

Cora and Quinn continue to do great. Quinn (aka Porkchop) is now over 12 lbs! Cora (aka Lambchop) is a more petite 11 lbs but quite a spitfire. No one will boss her around! Each day they continue to amaze us with their development. I can't believe how fast they have grown.

Quinn's surgery is scheduled for April 21. He should only have to spend one night in the hospital. Tim and I are very nervous for him but I am sure he will do great. Talking to other parents who have been through the same thing, it will be much harder on us than it will be on him. Thankfully, he won't remember this. Selfishly, we are going to miss his cleft. We have become quite attached to his triangle lip!

Hope all is well with you and Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!